Each day you can rate the television programmes you watched the day before, giving rating scores (on a scale of 1-10) to those programmes you watched for at least 5 minutes. In this way you can let the television channels know what you think of their programmes, information that is used in deciding what programmes will be broadcast in the future.
Setiap hari anda boleh menilai program televisyen anda menonton hari sebelum ini, memberi skor Kedudukan (pada skala 1-10) untuk program-program anda menonton sekurang-kurangnya 5 minit. Dengan cara ini anda boleh membiarkan saluran televisyen apa yang anda fikirkan program mereka, maklumat yang digunakan dalam menentukan program apa yang akan disiarkan pada masa hadapan.
Each day you can rate the television programmes you watched the day before, giving rating scores (on a scale of 1-10) to those programmes you watched for at least 5 minutes. In this way you can let the television channels know what you think of their programmes, information that is used in deciding what programmes will be broadcast in the future.